пятница, 1 июля 2011 г.

Мой новый дом "Старый горожанин "/ My new house "Old towny"

Дом "Старый горожанин" (без СС)/ House "Old towny" (no CC)

Размер лота 20X11/ Lot size 20X11

6 комментариев:

  1. ооочень нравится!!спасибо:))

  2. Sage, спасибо преогромное за комментарий! Рада, что нравится!
    Jaedub, thank you very much for the comment!

  3. it feels like cottage..wow i love it, it's really classic :)

  4. Hi! I downloaded this house and it's amazing, however, it has some pathing issues with the spiral staircase (I guess) and I can't fix it due to the constrainfloorelevation cheat used in the lot. It would be great if you could fix the problem, it's my favourite house on the internet! :)
